Traditionally, English wedding entourages are made up primarily of children ranging in age from about four to sixteen. The royal weddings honor this convention. Remember Princess Diana's wedding to Prince Charles? Her eldest bridesmaid was Lady Sarah Armstrong, aged sixteen, her youngest, five-year old Clementine
Hambro. The rest of her party had children of all ages in between. While not all English or even European parties are this traditional lately, I've seen a trend toward a bevy of small kids or all flower girls in the wedding party. If you're one of these brides intrigued by a child-packed entourage check out
Little Eglantine a UK based company specializing in custom wear for kids.

Designer Stephanie
Staub has combed the world for some of the most unique fabrics. Imagine embroidered
taffetas in an array of colors. Any design or fabric you see here can be swapped or changed out. That's right. If you love the neckline above, try it in the pink embroidered taffeta below. Be imaginative . . .

Not only does Stephanie design gorgeous children's clothing for weddings and christenings, she gives us a glimpse into that wonderful time of childhood. These photos sure capture a joyful and innocent time--a time of hope and even promise. And what better way to say all this than adding a flock of kids to your entourage . . .?
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